St. Francis Health Services of Morris is dedicated to assisting each of our care centers providing direction and support as we work through the steps required to provide care in the event we have a COVID-19 outbreak in one of our care centers. Given this virus especially can affect those we serve within our care centers, we ask that you continue to cooperate with us restricting your visits and focus on other methods of reaching out to your loved ones. As the number of COVID-19 cases continue to grow in Minnesota and our communities, we believe it is inevitable that at some point we will be managing cases within our care centers.
Please know that our corporate office and care centers have been proactively working on an outbreak plan and have instituted several steps and processes to address this if/when it comes to fruition.
We continue to focus on and actively follow infection control protocols and other guidance provided by reliable sources (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and our local and state health agencies) holding the goal of reducing the risk of occurrence and transmission within our communities as our highest priority. Those measures are:
- Complying with the Governors orders to “shelter in place” with the exception of all essential workers.
- Restricting visitors; with the exception of allowing a very limited category of essential visitors determined on a case by case basis and screened prior to entry.
- Completing resident screening for any changes that may identify any illness.
- Monitoring all employees at entry and for signs and symptoms of the virus that may develop at work.
- Eliminating group activities except where social distancing can occur and be maintained.
- Identifying and setting up segregated areas of our care centers that will be used if any resident develops COVID-19 symptoms, to minimize the risk to others.
- Determining staffing changes needed in the event of an outbreak to meet the needs of those in our care.
- Providing ongoing communication with those we serve and our employees.
Please know that we continue to find ways to share joy and fun with those who live within our care centers. If you have not had an opportunity, please take time to visit the specific care center’s Facebook page. We are providing many pictures that will allow you to see all we are doing to provide the best service we can for those you love. Especially in these challenging times, our focus is to provide opportunities for each person to stay connected with their loved ones and their community.
Many community members have been motivated to give of their time, money, and other resources for our care center communities. We appreciate this so much and want you to know this makes a difference to residents, families, and staff. THANK YOU!
Please continue to stay connected and let us know if you have any questions or concerns by reaching out to the administrator, social worker or activity personnel.
We are stronger together!
Resource Links:
Center for Disease Control and Prevention:
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services : Minnesota Health Department: